Regular Expression Matching (10)

This is a recursive state-machine approach to the problem. I think it's strictly worse than the DP, but it was fun to come up with.

class Solution {
struct state {
char c;
bool star;
template <class II>
auto pattern_as_states (II begin, II end, const string& p) {
for (int i = 0; i < p.size(); i++) {
if (next(begin) != end and p[i+1] == '*') {
*begin++ = {p[i++], true};
} else {
*begin++ = {p[i], false};
return begin;
inline bool satisfies (char c, state s) {
return (c == s.c or s.c == '.');
template <class SI, class II>
bool recursive_match(SI strBegin, SI strEnd, II begin, II end) {
if (strBegin == strEnd || begin == end) {
while (begin != end && begin->star) begin++;
return (strBegin == strEnd && begin == end);
if (satisfies(*strBegin, *begin)) {
if (begin->star)
return recursive_match(strBegin, strEnd, begin+1, end)
|| recursive_match(strBegin+1, strEnd, begin, end)
|| recursive_match(strBegin+1, strEnd, begin+1, end);
else return recursive_match(strBegin+1, strEnd, begin+1, end);
return begin->star and recursive_match(strBegin, strEnd, begin+1, end);
array<state, 30> states {};
bool isMatch(const string s, const string p) {
int pLen = p.size();
auto ens = pattern_as_states(states.begin(), states.end(), p);
auto end = unique(states.begin(), ens,
[](const state a, const state b) {
return a.c == b.c and and;
return recursive_match(s.begin(), s.end(), states.begin(), end);

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